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So, You Want To Write? (Workshop)

April marked the start for Bournemouth Writing Festival's first events. Spanning 3 days this was a great festival full of a variety of experiences for readers and writers alike.

On the Saturday, Chantelle and I held our creative writing workshop for teenagers. So, You Want To Write? covers every part of the publishing processes, from finding inspiration, forming your first sentence, all the way through to getting your book on shelves. It was great seeing so many teens get involved and even some of the parents stick around and get involved with the Q&A.

This workshop was part of Chasing Driftwood Writing Group and we hope to bring this to more locations across the summer. If you are part of a local school (Dorset) and would like us to stop by, please do get in touch.

Parents, please do check out our website for the various services and workshops on offer.

Here's a few shots from the workshop.

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May 08, 2023

Congratulations, that sounds like a lot of fun.

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